Sunday, November 04, 2007

sin futuro... O LO QUE ES LO MISMO... sana convivencia

It is all stuck on my mind

i wish i could yell
loud enough
loud enough for me to get it all out
and then be able to fill this emptiness

so fuck everything
my world
my surroundings
what i've created so far

Was i supposed to be this unsatisfied
is this emptiness the standard
all that beer, mezcal and rum...
sleeping on the bathroom floor

then wake up to a bright bright day
my head pounding
and i wonder

when did it happen?
what have i become?

what i once thought made me unique
what i once thought defined me

now i realize it isn't just me

so now i take comfort on the idea of belonging
not being alone (though i feel like it)
or being surrounded...

there's nothing special
it's more like standard
it's more like regular
it's more like it took me longer
it's kinda like me turning old
it's like turning into everything i once thought or said i wouldn't...

and it's not that i remember how i wanted to be
i truly don't

but i just don't think this is it
and i don't know why
i don't remember
the where and when...

Was i supposed to be this unsatisfied
is this emptiness the standard...


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