Friday, October 14, 2011

This Is What Got Me Where I Am Now

Career Opportunities

So it is still Friday, my last Friday posting…

Thanks to Rob and Gordon for the invitation!!!

I was 20 years old when I had my first 9 to 5 job, and I promised to my self I wouldn’t try it again. The process of getting a job is just as bad as the actual working experience.

I was fresh out of high school, I had all this plans and working to get some money seemed like the short way to accomplish what I wanted. I was told wouldn’t get no first month pay since I’d be learning how everything worked but was promised to be paid after that since I would then be experienced. After the first week I started producing money for that company, finishing up jobs on my own, and I wasn’t getting any money on my pocket. So by the time my second working month was about to finish with no pay and no signs of it, I went to the owner and told him I wasn’t going to work there anymore. The guy didn’t ask why, I don’t even think he said anything.

If interested you can finish reading the whole thing by clicking on this unnecesary line

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